In your quest to find new opportunities to make money online, you may have come across this strange abbreviation: PLR. You probably didn’t have the time to go into more details, so you skipped it and forgot about it in the next two minutes. Well, you overlooked a good way of making money online without having to pay expensive copywriters and web designers work for you.
PLR stands for Private Label Rights, and it means that once you bought a certain PLR product, you also bought additional rights, like the right to resell it (be it at a recommended price, or at your desired one), or the right to offer it for free to your readers, or the right to replace the author’s name with yours and sell it as if it was written by you directly.
What Products Can Be PLR Products?PLR products can be e-books, reports, software, niche site headers, website templates… anything. Depending on their complexity, the price of Private Label Rights Products can be anywhere between $5 and $500, or $5000, or whatever price their author wants.
Just imagine: you are running a blog about gardening and your goal is to build a list of subscribers, so you can send them information and news from the gardening field (or to tell them about cool new gardening products which they would be able to buy via your affiliate link, granting you a small commission for your work). Now, you want to give an incentive for readers who take the time to join your mailing list: an e-book about growing cucumbers. Let’s suppose you know how to grow great cucumbers, but you don’t have the time to write this book, nor the skills to make it attractive. You’d have to pay a ghost writer to do it for you, and this may cost you some $400-$500. You pay the amount, you get the book, and you estimate that you’d need a certain amount of readers to buy the stuff you sell, in order to break even.
What if you could have the same e-book, as a PLR product, for only $27? It sounds better already, isn’t it?
What if, instead of giving the PLR book away for free, you decide to resell it at the $27 price? At the first buyer you get your investment back, and everything that follows is pure profit, money that enters your PayPal account immediately, without you having to wait until the end of the month or the end of the next month (as you do when you work with affiliate networks).
Where To Get PLR Products From?
Option 1: Search the net for “my desired type of products” + PLR (or Private Label Rights, or reseller rights)Chances are that you’ll discover some good PLR products in that niche, and you’ll buy them one by one, at their given price. If I were you, I’d also search for “that PLR product” + coupon (or discount), to see if I can get it any cheaper.
Option 2: Join a PLR membership site and get instant access to hundreds of PLR products which you can use as stated by the membership site owners. You remain a member only as long as you wish. Nobody asks you to commit for more than you’d want to. As log as you are a member, each month you’ll have new PLR products added for you to download and use. When you decide that you no longer need the membership, you just cancel it, and you preserve the private label rights for all products you’ve downloaded during your membership period. So, you can stay as a member for 3-4 months, download everything, then use it as you need, whenever you need.
It’s obvious that if you are into several niches, option 2 is the way to go, as it is much more cost effective than option 1. Besides, PLR membership sites have a good habit to offer their members products for personal use, which could help them a lot in their work (like video recording and publishing software, keyword research software, or other internet marketing tools).
How To Find Good PLR Membership Sites?
I’m using PLR products since a couple of years ago and I’m making good money with them. Some of these products are private label rights articles I downloaded in bulk from PLR sites I’m a member of. When I need fresh content for my niche sites, I simply browse my articles collection, choose the ones on the topic I need and rewrite them. PLR give you the right to change the articles in any way you wish and publish them under your name.
Over the next few weeks, I’m going to review several PLR membership sites, so you can make an informed choice, in case you decide to try this method to make money online.
Stay tuned, I’m preparing a surprise for you, which will hopefully fill your pockets without emptying them first.
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